Euro-Collarette 200CS Fully Automatic (EC 200CS)


Main features

  • Cuts virtually all tubular-knitted fabric with NO WASTE
  • Variable cutting speed compensates for all fabric tensions
  • Precise scales ensure precision width adjustments
  • Electronic soft start and stop assures the highest quality at the beginning and end of each band roll
  • The unique band and fabric guides give fabric control assuring problem-free cutting of most single jersey, rib and terry products
  • Cutting knives and rollers are made of highest grade Swedish steel
  • Auto-stop feature when the band roll reaches the required preset size, up to a maximum of 280 mm (11 ½”)
  • Automatic major fabric flow detection
  • Safety guards to assure maximum operator protection
  • As option can be equipped with a sharp knife system
  • 200CS cuts up to 260 mm (10”) band width

pdf_logo Collarette Range Family

 Movie clip EC 200CS


Tubular Fabric width 35 cm* – 110 cm, (14″* – 43″) (*some elasticity required in the fabric)
Band width 16 – 260 mm* (5/8″ – 10”*) (*small tubular diameter fabrics reduse the ability to cut the very wide bands)
Number of bands 4 (5 bands with additional knife unit)
Cutting capacity 4 x 0 – 60 m/min
Cutting system Crush cutting (available on request with sharp knife sysstem)
Folded fabric Standard
Rolled fabric Extra, max 32″
Folded/Rolled fabric Extra, high prefeed to handle flat folded as well as rolled material, max 36″
Metre/yard counter Extra
Fabric hole detector This machine includes an efficient mechanical stop device
Festooner Extra
Anti-static device Extra
E-drive, electronic speed synchronization for fabric turntable Extra
True-drive: PLC-controlled speed-synchronization of fabric turn-table Extra
Dust Phantom, vacuum unit for removal of lint/dust Extra
Cut roll lifter Extra